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/ The Forgotten Realms Archives (Silver Edition) / The Forgotten Realms Archives - Silver Edition.iso / MANUALS / HACK / 044.PCX (.png) < prev    next >
PC Paintbrush Image  |  1997-03-01  |  138KB  |  640x1009  |  4-bit (16 colors)
Labels: monitor | reckoner | road | sky | stairs
OCR: J0 42 Sixth-Level Cleric Spells HARM RANGECLOSE DURATION PERMANENT AREA OF EFFECT TARGET This spell will bring target to death's door reducing to very few hit points, no matter how many hit points the target had before the spell HEAI RANGE: DURATION PERMANEN AREA OF EFFECT: YOUP CHARACTE This spell completely heals your character of all damage poison blindness and paralysis HEROES FEAST RANGE:O DURATION PERMANENT AREA OF EFFECT: YOUR CHARACTE The spell. in addition to feeding your character, cures disease heals, blesses (as per the bless spell) and makes your character immune to fear, poison, hopelessness and panic for an extended period of time Sor's SEARING ORB RANGELONG DURATION INSTANTANEDU AREA EFFECT: O TARGET This spell turns a gem into a weapon The gem must be thrown immediately be ...